How to do effective test management? 9 effective tips.
Test Management stands for the preparation, planning and coordination of all activities in the entire test process of a software development/rollout project to ensure that the system meets all requested requirements and uncovers defects.
Here are some tips how to do effective test management:
1. Define your testing strategy in a very early stage of the project!
The testing strategy should contain the approach, scope, test levels, systems, reporting and approval processes as well as the test organization, roles, and responsibilities. The alignments and approvals for the strategy might take longer than expected. Therefore, plan to start the preparation of your test strategy already during the assessment phase. Ensure that all stakeholders and resources involved know and understand it and it can be approved on time. You should not forget to communicate the key points in a short summary in your test kick-off. Even if most of the members already received the strategy, it is quite challenging to be full test ready and have all members on the same page.
2. Establish a testing team and define at least one test coordinator!
Based on our many project experiences, no matter how good the test plan is, you cannot avoid having some undesired and unexpected issues. Based on the system size as well as the amount of test cases include one or more test coordinators who support you in controlling, tracking/monitoring, and test report/dashboard preparation and maybe also firefighting. Nominate test resources, define roles and responsibilities and conduct onboarding sessions with all testing members. Ensure an effective team collaboration and teamwork. Keep up communicating, make all issues and risks transparent and stay close to the whole team during the test period. You cannot avoid unexpected issues during the test period. That’s why a strong test team is essential.
3. Create and prioritize test cases during the build phase!
You could already start with the test case planning during the design phase. The business team is usually quite busy so you will need the time for alignments, reviews, and approvals. Latest during the build phase the test cases should be defined, created, and listed in the test plan. Develop detailed test cases that outline the steps to be followed, the expected results, and any special conditions or requirements for each test. Prioritize them based on weighted probability and impact. Check the test case complexities and dependencies to be able to prepare an effective plan. Assign resources and make sure that all testers have the relevant system access they need, are onboarded, and trained and are ready for the test execution from day one of the testing phase.
4. Use test management tools!
First: Costs/effort versus benefits should always be considered! Find a balance between cost, benefit and effort for the testing tool(s) and decide which fits the best for your needs and approach. You should use as few tools as possible to minimize the effort for the testers, but maximize the communication of test cases, defects, status, etc. Tools can help you manage, conduct, organize and track your testing activities and get a clear view of the test cases, defects, and questions. Depending on the project size, scope and processes it also makes sense to link the test cases to requirements and processes. Document a short manual in case new testers, developers or any other testing members need to be onboarding for a short term. Tool(s) readiness should be given by the first day of the testing phase.
5. Organize test camps!
This topic is very dependent on the circumstances of the project – Are you a global team distributed between different time zones or locally in an onsite project space. Nevertheless, we did not want to keep this out of the tips. It has been proved to have the testing team with the testers, the developers as well as relevant business colleagues in one place during the test execution - Test Camp. Preferably even one or more large rooms, where errors/questions can be clarified ad-hoc and the team can use the time as efficiently as possible. During Covid we also organized virtual test camps. You can keep a video space/ virtual room and ask questions and clarify open points. You might have certainly had the experience that not all supposed defects are real bugs - sometimes they are just misunderstandings. These can be clarified directly in a short way without first logging the defect and setting the test case in status on hold. You can also communicate the test status life during test camp which also keeps the team motived.
6. Kick it off!
Do not underestimate the necessity of the kick-off meeting. It helps you to motivate the team, create confidence and keep transparency. Prepare an overview/summary of the testing approach, tool(s), plan, reporting approach, status calls, roles and responsibilities. Invite all relevant testing members, business, IT and stakeholders and manage expectations. Do not forget to present where the documentation, status reports etc. are stored. Create an overview of relevant contacts when organizational issues arise, such as tools not working, lack of access to test systems, spontaneous onboarding of a new test member in the middle of test execution, etc. The test phase hides many challenges - Motivate the team and create confidence!
7. Track daily progress, report test status and communicate!
Prepare your reporting process before the testing phase starts – Decide the way of reporting and try to use already existing approached within your project/company. Keep the effort as low as possible, but at the same time make sure that all relevant project members are informed. Prepare dashboards which help to understand the overall status easily for the project management and stakeholders and prepare detailed test reports which keep the testing team and relevant/involved project streams up to date. Keep the test progress transparent in all directions. Ensure daily tracking and identify any issues or bottlenecks that may arise.
8. Don’t forget the defect buffer!
Plan a defect resolution timeslot at the end of the test execution before the test exit gate. New test cases should not be conducted during this period. Use it for last defect resolution and re-testing. You might also have some unsolved issues or unexpected showstopper. The test phase is unfortunately very famous for unexpected events. No matter what for, you will need this period!
9. Start early!
To ensure full test readiness from the beginning of the testing phase and be able to start efficiently, you need to start the preparation at a very early stage of the project! Do not underestimate the alignments and approvals needed for the scope, approach, and strategy. Test Cases need to be created, aligned, and approved as well. Systems/tools need to be ready as well. Also be aware that the setting up of the testing team might be challenging. You need to plan onboarding and training sessions for the testers. All mentioned points above need to be ready on time. Ensure full readiness for the test execution from day 1 of the testing phase!